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- Navigation and Negotiation of FamBamz on Facebook
- Presentation: Navigation and Negotiation of FamBamz on Facebook
Drawing on my PhD research Digital Navigators: Young Pasifika adults navigating Facebook in Aotearoa New Zealand, this presentation highlights points of difference about how Pasifika young adults are using Facebook particularly when it comes to intergenerational family dynamics. Young Pasifika adults are used to being under surveillance from older adults in their families, authorities and the wider community. They are very careful about the content they put on Facebook and are highly aware of protecting younger members of the family from negative experiences on social media. Pasifika peoples in Aotearoa have been strongly conditioned through religious colonisation experiences to be compliant, conforming and obedient to authority. Social media savvyness is showing how young Pasifika adults are rising up to challenge this paradigm in simple yet sophisticated ways. This presentation looks at how central the FamBamz or family dynamic is to Pasifika people in New Zealand and how the integral cultural family relationships are being negotiated and navigated the on Facebook platform amidst often conflicting circumstances of Pasifika cultural values and the perceived freedoms of Western-style living in a neo-liberal society.